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Simply put, a good school is about good teachers—teachers who love their students and their subjects.

As the most important part of classical schools, teachers are answering the high calling of imparting civilization—language, knowledge, and virtue—to the next generation. Teachers craft their own lessons, and they are given the authority and respect to manage their classrooms. They are supported by school leaders and fellow teachers at their campus and beyond who seek to improve their craft together and who desire to share in a community of academic discipline, knowledge, and wonder.

Teaching for Love

At the most basic level, the essential purposes of teaching are love of the subject and love of students.. Highlands Academy will seek teachers that radiate these qualities—teachers who desire to know and to share that knowledge with students.


We want to get back to fundamentals, to teaching and education as they were meant to be.

Teacher in Classroom

Teaching for Knowledge & Virtue

Highlands Academy will offer a robust education in the liberal arts and sciences that will cultivate students in moral character and civic virtue. Our school will work in the pursuit of the highest things—of truth, goodness, and beauty. Our teachers will work from a stable and strong curricular foundation that elevates and encourages the particular abilities of each teacher while ensuring a common framework for student development. 

© 2024 Highlands Academy

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